Free Resources

Just for you!

Empowering Questions MP3

Easily Reprogram Your Subconscious.

Questions demand answers, and they're more powerful than affirmations.

Upgrade Your Bucketlist!

Forward thinking women operate from Bucketlist 2.0 so they can start creating a more meaningful life today.

Supplement Brands I Trust

Quality products that actually have what they say they have in them in a form that is usable by your body and free of contaminants.

Build Your Board of Directors

Identify a list of people who can help you drive your life forward and let them start helping you upgrade your future today.

Ditch a Bad Habit Today MP3

Guided visualization to eliminate a bad habit, limiting belief, negative aspect of your self image or anything else that's holding you back!

Alternative Approach to Cancer Booklist

List of 10 books that outline an alternative approach to cancer treatment

Make a Better Health Decision

40 questions to help you get more decisive and confident in your ability to make a decision about your health

Aging Plan Quickstart Guide

Forward thinking women age according to a plan so they know where to focus now and what nonsense they can ignore.

Virtue Meditation MP3

Be more of who you really want to be by connecting with the values that are scientifically proven to lead to a more fulfilling life.

EMF Resource Sheet

Indispensable list of resources to mitigate and manage all the EMFs you're surrounded by.

What to do if you start coming down with a cold

Give yourself a big advantage by knowing ahead of time exactly what to do the second you start feeling sick.

Your Hormonal Advantages on Different Days of Your Cycle

Free guide to help you remember how to play to the strengths of your different cycle phases.

More Free Stuff

FREE 16-minute Mini Course

6 THOUGHTS people who consistently rock their health choices think

Smart women like you know that sometimes a little mind flip can go a long way.

Snag a quick win with your healthy behaviors today!

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