If you're too busy to slog through hours of generalized, inapplicable and often contradictory health information, but too smart to ignore that a few minutes of focused attention now can prevent years of suffering in the future, this show is for you! It's time to fearlessly look forward to your next 40 plus years, age like a pro, and have fun doing it!
6 Thoughts People Who Consistently Rock Their Health Choices Think ...more
Mindset Tactics
January 18, 2025•3 min read
We all tend to know what general things are good for us and which are not so good. But when things are really not that bad, it’s easy to convince ourselves that it’s no big deal. I hope to change yo... ...more
Mindset Tactics
July 10, 2024•11 min read
Can using the principles of game design help you design and experience the benefits of a better life as you get older? Come to your own conclusions and understand both the pros and cons of gamificati... ...more
Mindset Tactics
July 03, 2024•19 min read
With so much health and wellness advice you can’t possibly do it all. How do you know what to go all in on and what health tips you can safely ignore? ...more
Mindset Tactics
April 17, 2024•14 min read
Most people are unaware of their bioelectric nature and needs. We live electric lives on an electric surface that’s optimized to help us heal. Our heart, brain, nervous system, muscles and immune s... ...more
Physiologic Tactics
April 03, 2024•24 min read
Time is sacred and the only thing we can never get back. But our lives can have more meaning when we start to feel ourselves function properly within the continuum of time and develop a correct relat... ...more
Mindset Tactics
March 27, 2024•19 min read
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