If you're too busy to slog through hours of generalized, inapplicable and often contradictory health information, but too smart to ignore that a few minutes of focused attention now can prevent years of suffering in the future, this show is for you! It's time to fearlessly look forward to your next 40 plus years, age like a pro, and have fun doing it!

6 Thoughts

16 Minute Mini Course Freebie

January 18, 20253 min read

Welcome to your 16-minute Mini Course:

6 Thoughts People Who Consistently Rock Their Health Choices Think

Get a Free PDF of these 6 thoughts here!

6 Thoughts People Who Consistently Rock Their Health Choices Think

1- This Makes Me Feel Good TODAY

Look for concrete, noticeable evidence that doing your chosen healthy behavior does help you right now.  Consider sitting down and listing out the ways the thing you want to do is immediately gratifying to you today.  Let your reticular activating system go to work scanning your world for evidence that doing this makes you feel good today. 

2- My Ideals are Guiding Stars, Not Distant Shores

Whoever your ideal self is, whatever your ideal circumstance… you’re never going to get there.  But that doesn’t mean you should ever stop trying. There is no there to get.  That ideal is your guiding star.  It illuminates your minute to minute choices.  It matters.  Hold on to it.  It informs who you choose to be and how you choose to act today.  Are you sailing in the direction of your guiding star?  

3- It’s Supposed to Feel Like This

When you try to do something you haven’t been able to do before, especially something difficult, something that other people aren’t willing to do- there will probably be some frustration, terror, overwhelm, and self-doubt.  There’s supposed to be.  It’s part of the process of growing.  Keep going.  It’s not evidence that there’s something wrong with you.  You’re not supposed to be different, and it’s not supposed to be easy.  It’s supposed to feel like this.  And on the other side of this discomfort is the you that you really want to be.

4- Bring It On!

When something gets in our way and throws us off, how cool would it be if we could recognize, in the moment, that this is exactly what we need to grow and get stronger.  We don’t have to like it or wish for it, but we can say “Bring it on.”  If you want to take it to the next level, physically rub your hands together as you say it.  

5- Wouldn’t It Be Cool If

Step one is to accept yourself exactly the way you are.  Bad habits and less desirable qualities and all.  When you can truly do that, and come from a place of not having to be any different at all to be excited about who you are, then you can start to think “But, wouldn’t it be cool if…”  You can be happy with yourself the way you are and still want to change.  Just because you can, and it’s so fun to prove to yourself that you can do hard things.  

6- That’s Like Me!

Whenever you do something the way you wanted to, say “Yes.  That’s like me.”  And really feel it.  It’s true, that’s who you are.  You can also replay the circumstance in your mind and substitute in what you wish you would’ve done and then say “that’s like me.” Or you can just think “Huh.  That’s weird.  That’s not like me.  I wonder what led to that.”  You can even rehearse in your mind ahead of time something that you want to do in a particular way and say “Yep.  That’s like me.”  

Health Courage Collective Podcast Episodes Referenced:

12: “That’s Like Me,”   36: “How The Wise Woman Built Her House,” and 20: “How To Be Unhappy For the Rest of Your Life

© Christina Hackett, The Health Courage Collective

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Christina Hackett, Pharm.D.

Healthspan Coach and founder of The Health Courage Collective

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